
空腹のパワー/1日1食を目標に。 The power of hunger / My goal is 1 day 1 meal.  食气者寿。 / 我的目标是一天一餐。


In various ways, I am exploring and studying ways to health and happiness. Now I have realized that the importance of being hungry. Presently, taking just one meal per day is my goal. When I am successful, I feel my body and mind become so powerful. Concerning this, I will let you know more later in detail.


持ち帰り容器付き立食パーティの提案 Proposition of take-home containers with buffet style party 自助餐宴会具备带回家容器该多好啊


Recently, I attended a buffet style party. Though I am trying to live only with oilless and sugar less vegetarian diet, but I am actually love to eat everything, and I cannot resist my natural appetite and I ended up eating a lot of chaofan, sushi etc. But I was so sad to see that a lot a lot of delicious food left un-eaten and waiting to be discarded. Human being cannot afford to do such things anymore. Those foods should be enjoied by human being, before fed to cattles or processed for compost. This way our family can enjoy them at home too and become happy if we do not eat too much. Such party should be provide containers to take the foods left to home out. The hygienic safety issues should be able to be solved properly.
