

私は、以下のようにお答えしました。 "お問い合わせいただきありがとうございます。数冊の本などを読んで断食について勉強しました。日本や海外の人によって書かれたものです。主要な宗教で、断食がおこなわれ、あなたが言うとおり、宗教的な義務に加えて、医学的、心理学分野のメリットがありますし、同様に環境面の効果(環境問題のほとんどは、気候変動問題を含めて、解決されるかもしれません)があります。私は、関連するムーブメントやビジネスを開発・促進することで、多くの人たちに断食のメリットを理解していていただき、ラマダンのような断食を実効して幸せになる人を増やし、環境問題lなどの問題を解決することに貢献できればいいなあ、と夢みています。ブログで、かならずこれらの詳細については説明します。アドバイスをありがとうございました! "

I got a feed back in English on my posting about fasting from a Muslim person living in Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan.

" I had clicked on your link to your blogspot. I was intrigued by your latest post about the power of hunger. The English post was quite short so I could quite know why you decide to research about this. I would love to find out why and how your research have been. Incidentally, I am a Muslim and we have just left the holy month of Ramadhan when Muslim all over the world fast from dawn to dusk. Besides the religious obligation and benefits of fasting, there is > also the medical, psychological benefits of the act. You may like to refer to this website to get further understanding. I hope it helps."

The following is my responce. "Thank you for your email. I read several books about fasting written by people in Japan and abroad. As you say, besides the religious obligation in all of the major religions, benefits of fasting are found in medical, psychological areas, as well as environmental benefits (if more peple start practice it could solve most of the envrionmentl problems including climate change). I am trying to develop some movement or business to promote benefits of fasting so that more people in the world can practice fasting like Ramadhan to be happy and solve the envl problems etc. I should certainly explain more about these. Thank you for your advice! "

我从居住在日本横滨市的一个穆斯林女史,得到了关于我写的“食气者寿”一文的英语回馈。 "我看了你的博客。我开始对你的最新的关于饥饿的好处的投稿。你的说明很短,所以我想知道你为什么决定要研究这个问题。顺便一提,我是一个穆斯林,我们刚离开圣月ramadhan当穆斯林世界各地都从黎明到黄昏禁食。除了宗教义务和利益的外禁食也有医疗,心理方面的好处。网站上你也许最好提到这种说明,以获得进一步的了解。我希望这个助于你。 "

以下是我的回应。 "谢谢你的电子邮件。我看了几本日本和海外的关于禁食的书。所有的主要宗教有禁食的习惯。正如你所说的,除了其宗教义务外,禁食有,在医疗,心理方面的好处。而且它可以对自然环境有效益。(如果有更多人开始实践禁食,它可以解决大部分的环境问题,其中包括气候变化) 。我希望试图发展一些运动或业务,以促进效益的禁食,使更多的人在世界上可以实践像ramadhan的禁食,获得更多幸福,对解决环境问题等做出贡献。我要肯定在我博客上写这种解释以取得更多地了解。谢谢你的意见! "


空腹のパワー/1日1食を目標に。 The power of hunger / My goal is 1 day 1 meal.  食气者寿。 / 我的目标是一天一餐。


In various ways, I am exploring and studying ways to health and happiness. Now I have realized that the importance of being hungry. Presently, taking just one meal per day is my goal. When I am successful, I feel my body and mind become so powerful. Concerning this, I will let you know more later in detail.


持ち帰り容器付き立食パーティの提案 Proposition of take-home containers with buffet style party 自助餐宴会具备带回家容器该多好啊


Recently, I attended a buffet style party. Though I am trying to live only with oilless and sugar less vegetarian diet, but I am actually love to eat everything, and I cannot resist my natural appetite and I ended up eating a lot of chaofan, sushi etc. But I was so sad to see that a lot a lot of delicious food left un-eaten and waiting to be discarded. Human being cannot afford to do such things anymore. Those foods should be enjoied by human being, before fed to cattles or processed for compost. This way our family can enjoy them at home too and become happy if we do not eat too much. Such party should be provide containers to take the foods left to home out. The hygienic safety issues should be able to be solved properly.



オイルレス山椒みそパスタ Oilless sansho (zanthoxylum) miso pasta 无油山椒酱面条


Olive oil is not used and instead I just used water. This way, oilless pasta can be made very simply. For some richness, miso , soy milk, tofu are helpful. It is unsatisfactory for people who like the taste of olive oil itself, it is so easy to wash dishes afterwards. In the same way, oilless food can be processed so easily in the human body!



ふりかけ Furikake 撒上米饭上的裙带菜


Let me introduce a kind of Furikake. Furikake is various fish and vegetables flakes for sprinkling on cooked rice (very popular in Japan). Use a mil (or food processer).
Ingredients: 3cups dried wakame seaweed, 80 gram kiriboshi daikon(dried Japanese radish), 30 gram roasted sesame
Directions: In a mill or food processor, process wakame until it becomes powdery very small pieces. Add sesame and process for 30 seconds. Then cut kiriboshi daikon into about one inch long and add to the mill and process for 40 seconds or until kiriboshi daikon beomes small pieces.
(I usually do not wash kiriboshidaikon, but if you like to, you can wash it and dry it beforehand.) Because the dry wakame itself contains salt, you do not need add any salt. But as a variation, you can also try adding sugarless furikake made of dried shiso lieves with umeboshi, i.e., dried plum pickles).

让我介绍一种furikake . Furikake是各种鱼类和蔬菜,麦片,为撒上米饭上面的(在日本十分受欢迎) . 使用轧机 (或食品加工机) .
成份: 3cups裙带菜, 80克萝干 , 30克炒芝麻
做法: 用轧机处理裙带菜,直到它变成粉状非常小的碎片. 放入芝麻和处理30秒左右. 把萝卜干刨成约一英寸长,放在轧机里处理40秒左右,直到它变成小块. (我通常不洗萝卜干,但如你喜欢, 你可以洗干) . 因为干裙带菜本身含有盐, 你不需要添加任何盐. 但,你也可以尝试加入不加糖的县咸每干紫苏做的furikake.


オイルレス・チーズレス・ピッツア Oilless and Cheeseless Pizza 无油无奶酪的比萨饼


Occasionally I make pizza without oil, cheese. Besides, because macrobiotics does not recommend tomato, I try not to use ordinally pizza sauce. I use tofu cream and miso in place of the cheese and the pizza source. The photograph above is the red miso pizza, the photograph under is the tofu cream pizza. Is is fairly popular in my family. As for the dough, whole wheat flour is used with the yeast liquid made in the process of making soisauce pickles.

有时我做无油,无奶酪的比萨饼. 由于macrobiotics推荐不使用番茄,我不使用一般的比萨酱. 我用豆腐奶油,味噌. 照片(上)是红色噌比萨,照片(下)是豆腐奶油比萨. 在我的家这些相当受欢迎. 用于面团的, 是全麦面粉和酵母液。酵母液是做酱油泡菜后留下的.

うどん Udong 日本面条

Noodles handmade with organic whole wheat at the end of June. No oil used. It is recommended to eat the entire grain in macrobiotics. So bran is included and the color is darker. There is stiffly feeling in the mouth, and my daughters say they are a bit too thick, but they still love to eat. The below one is the one made only by cutting with the kitchen knife. The upper one was rolled by hand also to make them thinner one by one. But the below ones are more chewy and popular to my wife.
六月底做的自制面条,从一个有机全粮. macrobiotics建议吃全粮 麸皮等。 根本没用油脂。有刚性的感觉在口,对我的家庭来说,他们并不是非常喜欢,但相当爱吃这个面条. 下面的是一个只能由裁剪的菜刀. 上面的是也用手使他较细的. 但是下面的却受欢迎.

We ate the noodles dipped in the homemade sauce. This sauce was made with soy sauce and little less mirin (Japanese sweet rice wine for cooking) the kelp and dried shiitake mushroom. The kelp and the shiitake become tsukudani (salty stuff to be eaten with cooked rice) that is very popular in our family. So this sauce has no additives and the leavings from making stock can be utilized and do not become waste!
我们吃面条浸在自制酱. 这种酱油是用酱油,味醂(日本甜料酒),海带 干香菇. 海带和香菇成为咸烹海味) ,是很受 我们全家欢迎. 所以这个自制酱没有添加剂及残留物,做完后海带 干香菇可以利用,而不会成为废物!


ブログのはじまり Start 开始

オイルレスのベジタリアン料理を実践し、失敗をかさねながら、少食や人間的成長による至福生活めざす父親の毎日の記録です。できるだけ日英中の3ヶ国語で書きます。 A journal of a Dady who is seeking for a real happiness by oilless vegetarian food, low calory intake and personal development. I will try to write this blog in English and Chinese as well as Japanese. 一个试图用无油的菜食少食和人格改善的方法来实现真正幸福这个困难课题的父亲写的記録。我尽量用日英中三種语言写这个blog.